My Anti-Resolution Strategy to Achieve Your Goals 

Let’s be honest here; for most of us, resolutions do not work. 

Let me rephrase, it seems like sunshine & rainbows for a few weeks, and suddenly, it drops off.

If you want to know why I invite you to listen or re-listen to episode Episode 36: Resolutions.

This episode is a compliment to the Word of the Year tool. If you have not already, download it here. I trade resolutions for a game plan that has three parts. We will review those three parts; this becomes your strategy once you apply it. 

I invite you to carve out a moment during the holidays to apply this tool. And if you think this is impossible to carve out time, you’re probably in most need of it because the holidays are probably not the only time in the year when you do not have time to strategize. 

These three steps will help you to set direction with a clear mind & gain consistent momentum moving forward for 2023 :) 

Happy strategizing global nomads!


Word of the Year free download

Episode 36: Resolutions

Episode 1: Unpack Your Thoughts Before You Move